Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunset in Paradise

Saturday night
The hubby and I walked over to Front Street to find a place to eat dinner. After we walked... east? and came across Lahaina's famous Banyon tree.

You cannot imagine the noise of hundreds, maybe thousands, of birds screeching in this huge, serene tree. Anyway... we also came across, one of many, many, many, wonderful plumeria trees.

We did an about face at the end of Front Street and headed west back toward Kimo's, the only landmark I know. We came across The Lahaina Fish Company. We shared Ono and Ahi, and sampled their house soup... a seafood chowder. There, we also had our first umbrella drinks: a chi-chi and lava flow...and our first Maui sunset.

No ka oi. What adventures await us tomorrow? I don't know. But there was a little shoppe I spied during our trek down Front Street I want to revisit.



Unknown said...

Wow, sound like you are having quite the party in Hawaii. Enjoy Yourself!

Heidi said...

We went to that same restaurant and banyan tree on our honeymoon. Why didn't you tell me you were blogging? Do you get the addiction and the time consumed now? Your photos are gorgeous!