Wednesday was our first day without our cousins. We missed their company so very much and we laughed a lot less.
The hubby and I realized that we had to get back to the vacation part of our trip, the resting and doing nothing part. That is, after all, why we came here, to decompress. Family matters keep cropping up. But we shall do our best.
The morning/afternoon, which all sort of blurred together, we spent lounging around reading, and me, writing. The hubby went for his morning run, tackled the local crossword puzzle, and may have slipped in a nap that went unnoticed by me.
And again we had to zip over to Star Market as we had run out of vacation cereal, Grape Nuts. The hubby studied the cereal aisle and decided upon . . .

I returned to my embroidery . . . remember that Christmas stocking I mentioned during the first couple days here? Yes, I'm still working on it.
The hubby wanted to watch one of our DVDs. He brought out our Season Three Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.

We popped it into the DVD player only to have it stall. This player, for those of you who did not read the Maui Mini Blog last year, was the replacement for the one that did not work because it stalled. I didn't realize that one has to replace these things every year.

The afternoon grew darker and darker with large rain clouds, which we now know are generated right at the top of Haleakala, gathered at the base of the volcano--where we are. And finally it rained.
I brought my embroidery and notebook onto the lanai and sat. Setting down my hoop, I picked up my pen. The afternoon had a cool, early morning-like feeling which is when I normally do most of my writing.
The rain wasn't hard and it came straight down. I was never in danger of getting wet. The downpour didn't last long but the air had cooled off.
At 5pm we headed upstairs with warm Edamame

. . . and our beverages to watch the sunset.

Our number one problem right now is to dispose of the food we've accumulated. I know it's just the start of week two and we have a whole five days before us but the food items that reside in the cupboard and fridge must be consumed before we leave or thrown out which saddens me.

I expect there will be, during the last two or three days, the buffet meal where we and our friends upstairs hold an all-you-can-eat buffet. This year we've been toying with the idea of taking it up to the pool area and inviting all the guests at our complex.

I think I did pretty well this year, not buying too much, that is. However, I did buy 18 eggs on our first day, thinking we could have eggs anytime! I must defend myself by stating that they were on sale and less than purchasing a dozen.

I pulled out the last of cousin A's pineapple and finished off the two remaining pieces. I nearly burned my tongue again . . . it was very tender . . . making it three times during this trip. No, I don't think I will ever learn.
The hubby and I finished the night with South Park, the Elementary School Musical episode. Since neither one of us has seen High School Musical it didn't make a whole lot of sense. I guess our daughter can fill us in when we get home.
. . . thus ends another day in paradise.
1 comment:
With the lack of TV there (at least it was so when we were there) those DVD machines must get a workout. We actually had to ask for a VCR to be brought to our room but that was back in the dark ages when they were new and very expensive. Your cousins weren't even there a whole week, were they? Bummer. You make me want to go on vacation. It's been over a year but I remember so well that feeling of having so many delightful choices, including, doing nothing. How cool to find Melissa's book there!
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