I'm glad that did not stop the others of my party from enjoying themselves. They took a short drive down to Ulua Beach to snorkel. It was the first time for cousins A and J. They practiced in the pool first before giving it a shot in the ocean. Not too many fish, is what I heard. The hubby said they needed to go earlier. Our friends upstairs, who had gone the previous day, said they went in the afternoon and they saw plenty of fish.
Upon their return, the hubby and two cousins looked as tired as I felt. They all showered and crashed, recovering from their morning. They found something to eat for lunch, I'm not sure what since I was out-of-it, and tuned into a football game. There was several "horizontal" people, that's what cousin J called it, much afternoon napping going on.
Friend T, from upstairs, brought down a dang-difficult crossword puzzle that got passed around the room. The hubby seemed to be the only one brave enough to fill in the boxes, using pen.
The friends upstairs, and those of us who were well enough, went to Buzz's Wharf for dinner. That might have been more fun than staying at home and having Haupia ice cream. Which reminds me . . . WE NEED MORE ICE CREAM!

. . . and Sudafed and tissues.
Ah, bummer! I have this phobia that I will go on some really nice vacation and get horribly sick. Since I never go anywhere, this has never happened. But it could! Get better soon! (Miss D is up to 55 . . .) Okay, this is too funny--the security word is "fluno".
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