That makes me sad. I pour myself some POG, head for the lanai and get to work.
It takes a couple of hours before the sun comes out. The power returns around 8am and I'm a happy camper cause now I have coffee! At 10:30 am I'm finished and have written a note, by hand, sorry Chelsea, thank goodness I have email so my message will be deciphered. It would never happen if I had to use a pen and paper.
I rubber band the manuscript with my note and the hubby drives me to the local FedEx, which it not so local, it turns out. We have to drive almost all the way to the airport. But hey . . . whatever it takes!

Back to the condo and we tried to settle back into vacation . . . we watched an episode of:

The sad, sad thing is we haven't made it through one side of one disc yet. What kind of vacation is this if we can't even veg in front of our campy tv shows?
At 5 pm we headed upstairs for the sunset. The puu-puus were overflowing. It's desperation time now . . . everyone is trying to get rid of all their food. Thankfully, I had kept this in mind since the beginning and we're in pretty good shape we don't have much left in our fridge.
Tomorrow will be a day of sorting and packing up. ... so much work ... I think I could really use a vacation.
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