Monday, November 15, 2010

Everybody’s Moving Slow

Sunday, November 14th

After we all were up and about, there was a trip planned to Makawao and Pa’ia. Then we learned there’s road work to be done this week. It’s a good thing we’re going today. Except… many of the stores cough-Kamoda’s-cough are closed on Sunday.

Some of us stayed home and finished the first draft of our book! I’m anxious to get home to apply the finishing touches.

We’re getting close to the end of our vacation and the annual leftover panic has begun.


Rachel said...

"leftover panic" - ha! So you won't have time to go out Just Once More to your favourite places, and must instead consume your fridge contents?
Good for you on finishing the draft.
Does Komoda's being closed mean no more of that ice cream you mentioned?

Shirley Marks said...

They are "my" fridge contents... they're the Upstairs Neighbor's! I've been very good and not stockpiled. Why am I punished with leftovers?

Komoda's is where we get our creampuffs and donuts on a stick.

No worries...we've got plenty of ice cream to last until we leave. :)