They offer wireless, which is great but unless you want to stand at the spanking new granite counter, and navigate around the TV that sits in the middle, or sit on the toilet and balance the computer on your knees, or somehow lie (or is it lay?) on the bed and type away.
The hubby, who has had TWO wonderful ideas up until now, suggested I place a pillow in one of the “new” built-in drawers. I set a thin, hard book to support my machine. Then I saw a patio chair on the lanai… I pulled it in through the patio door… thus =my= contribution to waking the neighbors… and voila! a mini-desk to write my mini blog!
Okay… forget this morning…. Let me recap our travel day.
Sunday we left at 6am, had a good flight to Honolulu… I think we/I may have ruined the trip for the guy in front of me when I =brained= him with a water bottle. Sorry, mister. I blame hubby because it was -his- water bottle he forgot to remove on the side of his backpack that I hefted up to the overhead bin. To prevent that from ever happening again, I’ve designated that a “man’s job” from now on. The hubby will learn of it when he reads this.
We landed in Honolulu and walked from our gate to the inter-island terminal, which was, of course, the farthest point possible from where we were. There was no panic. The hubby always leaves plenty of time to get from point A to point B. At 2:30ish we boarded the plane for Maui. The ride is so short that it’s not worth pulling out … anything. I walked on with a book in my hand, read it during the flight, and tucked the book under my arm as I walked off the plane.
I have to say that it was one of the most beautiful rides I’ve had. We had a wonderful, unobstructed view of Diamond Head. We traveled down the length of Molokai and soared right over the top of Lanai, so close we could see a deep canyon. At one point we could see all three, Molokai, Lanai, and Maui out the same little plane window. I never realized how close they were.
Our luggage, the one piece, was waiting for us at an abandoned carousel, again--the farthest one, but I didn’t even have to -look-, it was just there. Oh, happy day! We rolled out to find our car… NoKaOi Motors leaves their island-tested, reliable, reasonably priced vehicles in the short term parking lot. There’s no shuttle bus, no standing in line to sign papers, no waiting--you just GET YR CAR. Hubby loves these guys.
We hefted our luggage into the trunk, signed the papers, drove down to Dairy Road and slipped the signed copies under their door, then off we went to Lahaina. Down the road by Ma’alaea there was some sort of electrical/phone downed wires, grass fire incident going on. We had seen the traffic backing up from the air. There were fire trucks, police, and an ambulance going Code 3 away from the site. Traffic was still slow passing the area but it moved along.
We drove to the Plantation Inn where we stayed last year. We couldn’t completely check in, charge card wouldn’t go through. We tried to call our kids to let them know we got here okay but there were no phones or internet, because of the previously mentioned incident. That’s both land lines AND cell. Don’t ask me to explain how or why… that’s what I was told.
We did make it to our room. Our friends S and T from the condo were supposed to be here. They were delayed in San Francisco… twice. The hubby and I headed to Kimo’s, leaving word at the front desk for them to meet us there when they got in.
At 7pm and two drinks later , hubby and I shared a plate of Moo Shu Kalua Pork … S and T made it to Kimo’s. They ordered Mai Tais and we headed upstairs (a first for hubby and me!) to have dinner.
S & T did not have a good travel day. They’re so happy to be on Maui.
The boys bought a newspaper so they’d have a crossword puzzle to do the next day. And we headed back to the B&B. The hubby and I stopped in to see their room. They have a sofa!
Yes, it’s a place to sit.
I’m looking forward to later this morning, where, as I recall, they serve the best French Toast I’ve ever eaten.
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