Monday … we sat around the poolside breakfast tables for a long, long, long time. We kept thinking, “Shouldn’t we be doing something?” You know, nailing up the broken fence, painting the side of the house, or fixing the broken plumbing? To be honest, we don’t have any of those things to do at home either. That’s just the feeling we had. We should have been doing something other than lazing around the pool.
Poor Rose, the amazing breakfast server, cleared the plates from around us, offered us more coffee, tea, or juice...and that means POG too! There the four of us sat, like lumps on a log. Or is it lazy geckos on a palm tree? We read, did crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and all of the above… oh, and some of us wrote a bit. Around 11 the boys were getting restless and declared they were going to hunt down a paper at the ABC Store. Finding a current day’s paper at 11 in the morning is a bit ambitious. I don’t think they’ve slowed down as much as they should have. I never expected the ulterior motives for leaving our morning lounge-about.
I guess they slid a $20 on the bar and they were shocked to find ole Andy Jackson was not enough to cover the tab for two drinks. I’m not sure which president joined him but I will say that if, in fact, the Mai Tai they consumed had been the BEST one on the island there would have been no complaints about the price. Let’s just say that they won’t be returning for a second drink and they won’t be recommending that place. On the contrary, they’ll probably go out of their way to point it out and warn people against it.

Which brings me to lunch. We’d seen this place for years, heard the music pouring out the open air windows, and vowed that with the constant crowd that hovers around the front door, someday we’d eat there. Well, today was that day. We stepped into Cheeseburger in Paradise for the first time. Yes, it was good… really, good. I’d go back there again! They had great coconut covered shrimp, great onion rings, and great fries. I had a pineapple smoothie that was so tasty. Hubby and I split the burger, some people were not quite ready to eat, still full from their French Toast, some people had to eat because it was lunch time.
We strolled back to our B&B. On the way home we stopped at the Old Lahaina Book Emporium. I managed to limit my purchases to one slim publication while the hubby got ten or so Rex Stout "Nero Wolfe" and P.G. Wodehouse "Jeeves" books. It was a real treasure find!
Finally we made it back to our rooms for naptime. Again, some of use can fall asleep in the blink of a gecko’s eye and others of us couldn’t snooze no matter how tired we are. So those of us who couldn’t manage to catch 40 winks read their books. Which brings me to my main accomplishment--I finished reading a whole book! It was fun and I pulled out a second book to start.
It was after 7pm and some of us supposed it had to be dinnertime. We discussed where we should eat, although no one was really hungry since we hadn’t been doing any physical exertion to warrant refueling. So we’re thinking some tropical drinks and puu-puus would do. We headed back to Kimo’s for a salad, ice cream, and Hula Pie. The tropical drinks only happened for one of us. Boy, are we light-weights. Must be getting soft in our old age.
Another thing I wanted to mention was the hubby’s brilliant idea from yesterday… I can’t really talk about it specifically cause I want to use it in a book but I will say that he’s invented a new, at the moment fictional, iPhone app!
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