Thursday, November 4, 2010

Travel Day

Wednesday, Nov 3rd

Nothing much to talk about. Today‘s a travel day. We‘re going from Oahu to Maui. Lots of waiting and waiting… and more waiting.
Here’s the Awesome sight that welcomed us when we stepped out of our car to check in.

Our condo is still standing and we were able to unpack. We have to received our Owner’s Box, where we put items we use during our stay for safekeeping… like a wireless router, extra staples and sundries.

Which means that I have to go without the staples and sundries…and I was not able to drop into a market to pick-up such things.

But I do have a wire for internet that I can stretch across the room and, if I’m lucky, they’ll be some payback to those who have thwarted me.

Yes, I did say thwart.

My nemesis, the monkey-bird, is present. I had hoped he had relocated to a new home. I’d dearly love to hear him from a-far.

Our guest for the first week is Danimal. He’s an ex-coworker of hubby’s. The three of us drove over to The Five Palms Restaurant for dinner. Hubby had beer, I had a chi chi with an umbrella, the epitome of tropical drinks, and Danimal… he had pinot noir.

We ordered the Sunset Special which consisted of a mixed green salad, a choice of soy sauce ginger glazed chicken, oven roasted prime rib, or Macadamia Nut encrusted fish of the day, and lilikoi cheesecake.

Everything was delicious. Even Danimal was impressed. When the dessert came he asked for grappa. The waiter had never heard of it then the bartender came over to talk to him. It’s a dry colorless brandy distilled from fermented grape pomace, Danimal told him.

That’s why Danimal is so awesome. He knows things that regular, normal people don’t.


Rachel said...

...So apparently I'm not normal or regular either! ;) I'm glad you still have a condo, if not the sundries to go with it just yet.

Shirley Marks said...

The box came . . . eventually. As it turns out we don't have any toothpaste.