Friday, November 6, 2009

Road to Hana

I’m talking about Dirtboy and Mrs. Dirtboy here, not us. Whew. We’ve already done a “halfway” trip on the road to Hana. And we realize that someday we’ll have to do it, ‘cause it’s about the only thing left on the island that we haven’t done. But I figure we’ll wait until they put in a good road from Makena to Hana and we’ll do the whole eastern-island circuit.

While they were gone, Hubby and I turned on the dishwasher and left. That’s the only way to endure the horrible dishwasher. We drove down to the hardware store and picked up a few odds and ends, dropped by the Post Office to mail some bills, and we stopped by Long’s. The Long’s here isn’t the same as at home, despite the fact the ones at home have all been sold to CVS which we loathe, there are quite a few items we just don’t see. One amazing discovery was TimTams introduced to my daughter and me by fellowette Avalon Books author Elisabeth Rose this last July in Washington DC. I’ve bought several packs to take back with me and share with the rest of the family.

With the errands finished, laundry folded, and lunch eaten, it was time for reading and a nap. Some of us didn’t get a nap… I can’t even remember what some of us were doing… reading? I guess so. I finished another book--yay! And begun a fifteen year old Avon Regency, which I am enjoying very much.

The DirtPeople returned at 3ish. They had made it ALL THE WAY to Hana and back. I was impressed. They made some stops, walked around, took some pictures. Mrs. DirtBoy, who said she got mildly carsick at times, could not believe how queasy she felt. “It is not a trip you want to take if you get motion sickness,” she said. They are happy to be done with it and are glad they don’t have to do it again.

The snacks were pulled out: dark chocolate covered Macadamia nuts, Maui chips, our current favorite, and Maui beer. Yes, all nourishing, healthy foods, you’ll notice. We are on vacation.

It’s nearly impossible to find the old Kitch’n Cook’d brand. We did manage to find a “tiny” bag for nearly $6 at Long’s! We haven’t sampled this yet. I can’t wait to see if it’s what we remember.

After a rest it was time to head out for dinner. Tonight’s choice was a place at the end of Rainbow Mall called Maui Thai. We’ve been there before and it’s the best Thai food place we’ve discovered.

That about did it for the day. The DirtPeople were full, tired and ready for bed. I think we might have stayed up until after 8pm! Oh yeah, we’re on vacation!

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