Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nose to the Grindstone

Okay. So my book is here and I'm working my way through it. That's what I did the whole day, plus a couple of calls to New York to the publisher for some advice. They straightened me out and I'm back to work.

The hubby and T from upstairs drove to Makawao for more goodies. They came home with fresh cream puffs and stick donuts . . . oh, my dog!

They were so unbelievably good. Amazing. Awesome.

The hubby then took a long, long, long nap. When he woke he asked me why did I need to ask for a credit report? Huh?

We both dove into the manuscript for hours. I think I've gone through it twice, maybe three times . . . I dunno . . . I'm getting a bit punchy.

The hubby to me out to Roy's for dinner. At least I got to go outside today!

Then we returned home . . . and watched a wonderful episode of:

That's about all the fun I can handle in one day.

This was in focus when I took it . . . I think it's my eyes . . .

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